Didn't really want to watch Longmire anyway


Okay, since I'm nearing the end of the published books of the Walt Longmire series, I bothered to look up the television series details. I've been meaning to start watching the series since book one, and thought I'd check out how the series was handled. There are some plot points in the first book that I thought might be tricky, and I wasn't very excited to read that Lou Diamond Phillips was cast as Henry Standing Bear in the television version - mostly because the man IS NOT SIX FOOT FIVE AND BROAD OF CHEST, come on, there's no way that Phillips can stand in Bear's shoes / moccasins / whatever footwear you want to use, few people can. It's like casting for Jack Reacher's described character, it's hard, nearly impossible, but only nearly impossible. Phillips is not Bear, no matter how many Indians / Native Americans / First Nation people he has played on TV. Nope. Nada. Unh-uh. No.

Yeah, so, the plot of the tv series. I looked it up.




Okay, this series is CLEARLY going to be like the Bourne movies were to the books: the two sentence summary of the books and the two sentence summary of the movies are the same, and the main characters are named the same, AND NOTHING ELSE IS. HF nothing else is.

Same as the Dresden Files. Oh boy, does that television series not even come close to the awesomeness of the books. Nope.

So, I am now less enthusiastic for watching the Longmire television series. I suspect it may be fun and all, and, to be honest, I will likely watch the episodes when I can get them less expensively, but not any time soon. The two sentence summary and the names might be the same, but the Longmire of the books, the television series is not.

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