

Daily Photo

The desserts all had chocolate in them, so I couldn't partake (Lent and all), but they were still lovely to see.

Shopify Unite Again


Shopify Unite lasted two days.

Shopify Unite!


I went up to the City today for Shopify's first conference, Unite! I am so so so happy I went. Talk about a grand time.

Of course, it was done in true Shopify style: designed well, communicated effectively, and inspired totally.

I walked in after the talks had started, which meant I entered from the front of the main stage and walked to the back. This walk likely contributed my being just completely and totally overwhelmed. I'm uncertain when I stopped going to conferences alone, but I'm pretty sure it was when I started going to them with Jonathan, though Doyle is an amazing conference buddy. Given I was overwhelmed, I was gentle with myself and gave myself permission to be uncomfortable. I was happy to be there, and hoped to meet up with a bunch of my Shopify friends.